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Coaching for Personal Growth and Self Leadership will help the client identify personal strengths, hopes, dreams as well as fears and concerns.

IFS based Life Coaching will help the client explore important questions such as:

  1. Where are you now?

  2. What are your strength? 

  3. What are your gifts? What is your purpose?

  4. What are your hopes and dreams?

  5. What is in the way between where you are now and  where you like to be?

  6. Which parts of you are keeping you from moving towards where you like to be?

  7. Are there conflicts between supportive parts and those who have concerns about you moving forward?

  8. Where is the energy?

  9. Which parts are the key players?

  10. Do those parts recognize SELF so that they can relax and let Self lead?


Once key parts (target parts) have been discovered they will be paid the attention they crave and deserve. This will allow them to relax and adjust the roles they have carried for so long. Parts that have been in conflict with each other and therefore blocked a client from moving forward can move towards being part of a harmonious system.​

Each person has what IFS calls a "SELF".

SELF is the core, essence, the place from which compassionate witnessing will happen.

Its qualities are curiosity, compassion, connectedness, courage, clarity, confidence, creativity and clarity.

Once the client has access to at least some Self ( often initially through curiosity towards a part)  then the work can happen. Self Leadership means that parts understand and trust that Self is strong enough to lead the system.

Doing this work will guide the client towards increased calm and clarity in decision making and will lead  to choices which come from a place of internal harmony and strength.

Those choices will lead to a more harmonious and fulfilled life.


The coaching process of IFS and Art Therapy, either separately or combined, is gentle and client led. Both acknowledges the "voices" which need to be paid attention to, always from a place of curiosity and compassion.

By "externalizing" those parts either through art making or finding them internally the clients can look at those parts from a distance, seeing and understanding the messages and stories they carry without being emotionally emeshed in their intense energy.



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