Art Therapy provides a space in which the creative process, art making and creative self expression can take place. The resulting art work, coming from deep within, ideally from a place of non-judgement, will allow the client to engage with what has become visible. A dialogue with the image can lead to deep understanding and insights.
This therapeutic process allows clients to express feelings, thoughts, sensations as well as their personal stories, myths and beliefs.
Through it clients can reconcile emotional conflicts, increase self awareness, foster clarity, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, enhance the sense of personal well being, increase creativity and playfulness and the feeling of a more integrated and joyful life.
Art Therapy is used in many settings, including medical, mental health and educational. In my role as a Board Certified Art Therapist and Certified Coach I believe in Art Making as a path towards Self Discovery, Personal and Creative Growth and towards Self Leadership.
Art is being seen as a process. Imagery is not imposed but invited in. Through the process of drawing, painting, sculpting or collaging the images will emerge from the deep well of the unconscious. Creating the imagery allows them to be seen, explored, acknowledged, more deeply understood and integrated into the internal landscape of the client’s life.
Creating art is inherently healing. It allows the emergence and externalization of dreams, hopes, fears, visions, memories. Each image has its own voice and a story to tell. Together they will add to the quilt of a client’s life.
I facilitate processes that help the client to create the work from a place of intuition and spontaneity, circumventing our “planning and thinking”part of the brain. to allow authentic self-expression.
I like to include the technique of “Soul Collage".
This process was developed in the mid 1980s by Seena Frost.
It is very helpful to clients who have concerns about their "artistic" abilities.
Soul Collage is a very simple process of selecting an image from a random collection of magazines, cutting it out and then asking the foreground image which background it likes to choose for itself.
The images of persons, animals, objects placed in front of a background represent parts of us.
The small format and limit of imagery within one “Soul Collage Card” invites communication with one particular part. Inviting it to tell its story (dialoging) can be a very powerful technique to get to “befriend” the various internal parts.
All artwork and especially Soul Collage cards are very helpful in documenting a timeline of personal and creative growth. They are reminders of "befriended" parts and encourage ongoing communication within this internal landscape.